Arri MB-20 Production Matte Box
The 5.65 x 5.65 Compact Mattebox easily adapts for use with lightweight support, bridgeplate support rods or clamped on and supported by the camera lens.
$160.00 P/DAY + 10% INS & GST – Auckland | Wellington
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- Two or three stage
- Designed for film and digital cameras
- Works with wide angle HD zooms
- Modular construction allows all mounting options
- Offers up to three independently rotating filter stages
- Accommodates a wide range of filter sizes
- All filters can be individually rotated and locked off
- Can be equipped with top, bottom, side flags and masks
- Provides an upgrade path as wider HD lenses come to market
- Locking swing-away lens access
Arri MB-18 Production Matte Box
Three stage 4 x 5.65 Arri Matte Box complete with side wing set,
Chrosziel 19mm rods and quick release baseplate system.
$160.00 P/DAY + 10% INS & GST – Auckland | Wellington
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The 4″x5.65″ Production Matte Box MB-18 is a flexible wide-angle studio Matte Box that can be used with primes and many zoom Lenses.
Chrosziel Production Matte Box
Kit includes:
2x 4 x 4 or 4 x 5.65 filter stages
French flag
15mm rails
$65.00 P/DAY + 10% INS & GST – Auckland | Wellington
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The Chrosziel Production Matte Box features a swing-away design for quick and easy lens change. All 150mm filter holders can be used with this matte box.
Arri LMB-25 Matte Box
The LMB-25 is a clamp-on matte box that expands the feature set and creative possibilities of the LMB-15, while retaining the low price tag of an entry-level LMB-5.
$100.00 P/DAY + 10% INS & GST – Auckland | Wellington
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- 2- or 3-filter metal filter stage guide
- Combo 4 x 4 / 4 x 5.65″ filter frames
- Compatible with all LMB-5/15 filter frames, Clamp Adapters and light shields
- Wide angle hood easily removable on set with captive screws
- Securing loop on main frame for crane and vehicle use
Arri LMB-5 Matte Box
ARRI Clip-On Mattebox with:
2x 4 x 5.65 Filter Stage
1 x French Flag
80mm, 95mm, 110mm and 130mm rings
$95.00 P/DAY + 10% INS & GST – Auckland | Wellington
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The Arri LMB-5 (Lightweight Matte Box) clips onto various front diamater lenses via special backs and step-down rings.

Chrosziel 4X4/5.65 Clip On Matte Box
This Chrosziel Matte Box has two filter stages and attaches directing to the camera lens.
$55.00 P/DAY + 10% INS & GST – Auckland | Wellington
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85mm, 95mm, 100mm rings
3 filter frames
French flag

Century Optics 4X4 Matte Box
4 x 4 rail mount matte box for Sony HVR Cameras with flag set.
$55.00 P/DAY + 10% INS & GST – Auckland | Wellington
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Chrosziel DV 4X4 Matte Box
4 x 4 Clip on matte box with mounts for Sony DSR PD150, Panasonic AGD-VX100 and Canon XL1.
$35.00 P/DAY + 10% INS & GST – Auckland | Wellington